terlalu excited c0s these cust0m made bag sangat nice..hehe..I ordered fr0m a friend of Ayu/Ain..she's a cute/l0vely girl yg sew these kind of things just by hand..which lo0k to0 go0d yang I pun x caye she's made it with0ut using sewing machine..and the price is to0 aff0rdable sampai I rasa macam na order hari2.,cuma yelah,menyusahkan dye je na suruh dtg hantar by hand,lgpun I ackn0wledged yg she's still studying..lgpun I neyh budget kaya lak kan,makan pun bercatu..hahaha..anyway,any 0f you yg interest in adding up y0ur daily/hari raya bag/purse sh0uld place such order on her because IT IS SOOO WORTH YOUR BUCKS..hehe..anyway,g0tta go.,na carik idea lg neyh..hehe..daa..