On January 7th : I started working in Hospital Tuanku Ampuan Najihah,Kuala Pilah as a Pembantu Tadbir.
Of course I'm so so glad that finally I have made to the government post. Congrats for my self :)
At the moment I was be informed that I would be working at Kuala Pilah, I was like "HELL NO WAY!!"
It's really far, far fr0m where I live.
And plus, I don't want to work in sucha kampung place.,
What would happen to my Starbucks, my McD and my everyday str0lling-at-Vincci then ?
*sn0bbish girl
But then, on first day of working, c0me second day and third day.............
"Aww, the people I met and all the peoples that I'm w0rking with sucha nice nice pe0ple, giving the feel that I love w0rking here..Even though kinda heavy to wake up on the very early fucking m0rning, but still g0ing to w0rk bec0me one of my fav0rite things n0w" :)
They're seri0usly nice and damn kind..making me feel like I'm w0rking in a very h0spitalized family :)
And today, is my 16th day of working.,and I am pr0ud to say that "I love my job" :)
okie, ttyl and xoxo fr0m me ❤