Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dear Diary VIII : love's bouquet
few days ag0 just checking my camera album..
i jarang guna that camera..
s0 that day tiba2 je rasa na bwk and tngk2 gmbr dlm tu..
and then jumpa pic neh..
these are b0uquet yg my skandal kasi dulu..
g0rgeous aren't they?
the best things was the feeling at the m0ment i g0t th0se fl0wers..
terasa cam diva dapat jambak bsar2..haha..
tp life tu da lama extinct..
sejak i have my bel0ved b..
dulu i th0ught life is ab0ut money.,u can't have affairs with empty-p0ckets..love only there when guys give me free dinner and pay f0r my shirts..
but n0w i understand the real meanings of love..u can't have it even u pay f0r it..l0ve is something u have n0 matter what,where and when..
walaupun skrg i da c0meback to the materialistic of me..but i'll make sure that i can make and get it 0n my own..
paling2 pun g carik skandal baru la..buy me s0me rich lifestyle and dump him at the end of the year..
next year kalau rasa2 na kehidupan camtu balik.,carik lg new guy..
but t0 be true.,n0body can replace my b..f0r sure..
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dear Diary VII : life is sweet but i refused

hye every0ne (macam la ramai sngt na baca bl0g aku neyh..harhar)
anyway.,its a sweet evening c0s my friends just c0me by..
i th0ught he might forg0tten all ab0ut me cos its been 2years we didnt catch ar0und anym0re..
actually he's my ex wh0 left me 5years ag0..haha..
en0ugh bout that..
he said he might fly to germany..ab0ut couple months..
and he asked me whether i wanna g0 with him..
harrrrrr??? wthell..
he said he can supp0rt me..he meant 100% supp0rt me..
arrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh..h0nestly..i wanna g0..
maybe i c0uld catch April there..huhu..
but my parents will never let it happen..
s0..i....just......have........to say......n0..
uhhhhhh what a waste..
i wish i can g0...
" but h0ney.,why in hell d0n't y0u ever think that you c0uld give me m0ney instead so i can leisure by myself here? "
anyway.,its a sweet evening c0s my friends just c0me by..
i th0ught he might forg0tten all ab0ut me cos its been 2years we didnt catch ar0und anym0re..
actually he's my ex wh0 left me 5years ag0..haha..
en0ugh bout that..
he said he might fly to germany..ab0ut couple months..
and he asked me whether i wanna g0 with him..
harrrrrr??? wthell..
he said he can supp0rt me..he meant 100% supp0rt me..
arrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh..h0nestly..i wanna g0..
maybe i c0uld catch April there..huhu..
but my parents will never let it happen..
s0..i....just......have........to say......n0..
uhhhhhh what a waste..
i wish i can g0...
" but h0ney.,why in hell d0n't y0u ever think that you c0uld give me m0ney instead so i can leisure by myself here? "
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