my barbie with her new g0wn.,with my old cl0ck that i'd cust0mizedthis week.,i did a lots of cleaning.,not to menti0n i kinda hardw0rking these recent days.,but i started t0 get s0re-eyes l0oking at th0se messy,dusty things all ar0und me..s0 i get my guts up t0 rearrange my packed r0om and kiss all the dust and thrash go0dbye..
boxes.,b0xes..and part of my fo0twear
make-up desk.,i d0n't really satisfied with this..but at least i just put everything i need on the desk and st0red the others back in the b0x..
my r0om sandal.,plastic/paper bag st0red with my files and essential d0cuments
these tw0 boxes st0red with vari0us things at first.,but then i c0ordinated em with specific items that c0uld only be l0cated in each b0x.,which the
pink b0x can only st0re with plastic/paper bags and sewing items and the other b0x st0re with s0me necessary items such as ph0ne/camera appliances and plastic cup i c0llected fr0m TGV editi0ns..

and finally the part of my
mini library.,i have to0 many bo0ks,CDs,stati0neries and stickers.,hellyeah i l0ve bo0kshop..but these items i put at vari0us places at first..s0 in this stage i gathered everything t0gether and c0me up with this mini library idea..hehe..kinda stacked-up,huh..but at least its easier f0r me to find my stuff n0w..
s0.,that's h0w everything went on.,i did p0st how my r0om lo0ked like bef0re so any 0f y0u can c0mpare h0w this rearrangement effects..g0tta go.. ttyl.. (:
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