ape2 pun.,t0day my day0ut with my bel0ved b..last week we didn't enj0y much c0s i've g0tta w0rk fullshift the wh0le weekend..s0 today,i was lo0king f0rward it..hehe..
especially when b pr0mised to bring me out f0r lunch.,eat Udang Goreng Tepung..wee~my fav0rite..but after scr0lling ar0und.,SUMER KEDAI TOMYAM TUTOP!! haizz again..s0 we ended up tuck our starving st0mach in Windmill City Park..

b b0ught few things f0r me.,and especially that PINK ROSE..ohhhh he really to0k my breath away..and i kept staring and smelling the r0se more than i spent talking to my b..hehe..s0rry b.,x pernah b kasi syg r0se..and this 0ne really amazed me..

by evening.,b have to get back early.,ada family dinner..ohh b ada ajak j0in..but my m0m said "NO!!"..huhu..s0 terpaksa la spent time al0ne after that..as a result.,i b0ught this kiddy ice cream..they're cute.,smell go0d.,and taste delici0us..h0w i miss my childho0d by eating this kinda thing..
whatever it is.,thanks to my b f0r never get b0red treating the childish me/the messy-mind me/the freak0 with s0-called lolita..actually f0r treating f0r what/wh0 i am..i love b s0 much..
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