Sunday, February 10, 2013

so s0 cute in Puricute..

Hi!! meet me again in the very same fucking day.,haha.,yelah, b0san nye pasal pastu ade p0int na tulis bl0g s0 saya tulis jelah kan.,hehe..

Yelah, lagipun hari neyh b0san xtaw na wutpe, xtaw na g mne.,duit pun xde.,na g sh0pping xdela mknenye kan..

Tadi, b saya baru je call.,hrmm, haruslah ser0nok kan c0s biasanya kalau dia kje pagi dia pemalas na call cket, and plus, dia sbnrnye jarang sangat call saya..sbnrnye lah.,tp xtaw la since last week tiap2 hari mesti na call saya.,hihi..gedik taw.,memang saya pelik cket b jadi cmtu tapi bersyukur jugak la, da lebih 3tahun c0uple neyh b berubah jadi maaaaaaaakin sayang saya.,hehe..

bercinta skejap je, b tegur "untunglah cuti".,hehew~ haruslah kan..,b jealous tuh.,hikhik..tapi apa2 pun, cuti panjang mana pun x guna kalau xdapat g sh0pping.,al-maklumlah, sape yg x kenal the sh0paholic me.,haha, budget je kan..

Oklah, da jauh t0pic saya neyh.,sbnrnye na bercerita pasal Puricute.,apo b0ndo eh Puricute tu ? haha, kan n0ghori den kluar da ha.,Puricute is where u can dec0rate y0ur ph0to as cute as y0u can.,hikhik..
Memang one of my fav0rite stuff, dlu at jb slalu jumpe machine dye.,instead of ph0to or sticker, kte b0leh print out gambar yg da di-dec0rate tu at tshirt ke or mug..Its kinda trending at the time.,even my bestfriend print out our's dec0rated pictures on her ph0ne cover.,best kan..

itu zaman sek0lah lah kan, tapi sekarang minat jugak lagi.,ar0und 2years ag0, I found Puricute secara online.,suke sangat.,I sign up right away then dec0rate my ph0tos as much as I can..pernah tu sampai sedar2 da pagi sebab pre-occupied sangat.,ahhaha..

And mo0d na ber-puricute c0mes back this year since Jusco Seremban 2 ada letak 3 machine puricute.,I was like "OMG! OMG! OMG!" each machine c0st 16tokens means RM16.,s0 nanti dapat inc0me f0r sure na wut satu khas utk saya s0rang.,hikhik..

Ok! here s0me of my Puricute ph0tos that I dec0rated t0day :

ermmm.,dua je sebab line internet sangat dengki ngan saya.,huhu..see! da nampak ape itu Puricute? actually kalau gune machine satu ph0to boleh c0mbine several pictures.,tapi xpelah, dec0rating tuh yg penting., was fun and really my things.,s0 saper yg berminat b0leh g tangkap2 gmar at machine Puricute pr0vided by Jusco Seremban 2.,

Oklah, I think this c0uld be en0ugh, we'll meet again on next p0st..

ttyl and xoxo by me..

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