isn't this bag hugely g0rgeous? I had been falling in l0ve since the first time I'd seen it..actually there's few cute pink bag that I like..but this 0ne the price is kinda cheap,which is RM45 including p0stage..(ermm ya I saw this in a FB business page called MissLily Shop.,trust me,I l0ve all the stuff that she's selling )
ok.,en0ugh b0ut that.,I was crazy 0ver this bag,wanting a new bag instead of my 0nly pink bag that I b0ught at i-SOCKS l0ng time ag0.. (sape kenal I f0r sure kn0w better ab0ut the bag that I'm talking ab0ut )
and s0.,I'd been nagging my dear bel0ved b to buy me that bag since his c0ming salary ar0und the c0rner..at first I g0t the answer "NO"..isk isk..
but that night we'd been in l0vey-d0vey mo0d which finally he said "es0k kte beli beg tu ea".,ahhaha.,just imagine what I felt at the time..
tapi.,kees0kan harinya.,we had a nice wind0w sh0pping.,fr0m a shop t0 an0ther sh0p tngk2 beg.,at first I was a bit freak 0ut c0s my b x ckp ape2 pun pasal beg yg I mnat tu..then finally sampai satu sh0p neyh he grabbed a bag and asked cantik tak..I angguk and dia pun mintak kat am0i tu st0k baru.,then bayar..
the bag that my b b0ught f0r me :)
I was like.,what the hell with that? mula tu cam blur2 cket.,da lame cket I started t0 smile in j0y..what had my b d0ne is t0tally an expected and once again I stared at the bag and said "this bag is damn g0rgeous.,and this is the best thing that my b had given/b0ught for me"..ohhh b.. :')

I was like.,what the hell with that? mula tu cam blur2 cket.,da lame cket I started t0 smile in j0y..what had my b d0ne is t0tally an expected and once again I stared at the bag and said "this bag is damn g0rgeous.,and this is the best thing that my b had given/b0ught for me"..ohhh b.. :')

s0 here is it.,we ate at The Windmill ngan Farra and Iwan (d0uble date taw..hehe) with our huge giant glass of Orange+Apple juice yg s0 masam..
whatever it is.,I enj0y the time with my b.,walaupun by Saturday date sampai da xtaw na g mne.,Sunday pulak jmpe xsampai 2jam..haha..
and f0r my new bag.,I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! saya akan lupakan beg2 yg saya idamkan sebelum neyh and true t0 be with y0u..
tata ♡